What are the roles of an artist?

Every artist contributes to the overall health, progress, and well-being of our society in their own unique and vital way. The joy of interaction and communication is provided by the creative thinkers, they give inspiration to their society as well but they also provide an intelligent critique of our political, economic, and social structures, encouraging people to engage thoughtfully and take positive measures toward social improvement. Thus, every Artists in BC , must keep these in mind while stepping out into the world to earn a living. So what are their roles? Universal emotion gets expressed through the artists Art connects with human emotions. An artist's ability to 'feel intensely,' to be sensitive,' to things and express this in paint, gesture, or color is what makes them artists. The artist 'absorbs' the atmosphere of a place or a memory of a feeling and conveys it on paper or any other medium they work with. Artist's reveal the truth Abo...